Spiritual Exercises

Just as taking a walk, journeying on foot, and running are bodily exercises, so we call Spiritual Exercises every method of examination of conscience, of meditation, of contemplation, of vocal and mental prayer, and of any other spiritual activities that help to prepare and dispose the soul to rid itself of all inordinate attachments, and, after their removal, of seeking and finding the will of God in the disposition of our life for the salvation of our soul. This is how Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the inventor of the Spiritual Exercises, described this healthy practice. These exercises are done to imitate Jesus, who spent forty days in the desert.

In this way we can overcome ourselves and order our lives according to God’s plan for us. The Spiritual Exercises are also an important apostolate, so we seek to develop a deep knowledge of them, in order to preach them. The Spiritual Exercises are made up of a few days of retreat, in which a preacher exposes topics to meditate on (such as the life of Jesus, His Passion, Heaven and Hell…) which are divided into four parts. These days of silence and prayer are a good time to confess and receive spiritual direction.

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